Replica * Fantasy





ちなみに、Die Reichsseiteが帝国よりで割と本編沿いな気分で書いている話で、The Union sideが同一設定のヒロインで同盟バージョンなお話となっています。

Die Reichsseite

銀河英雄伝説 星を砕く者

Take me back to the land where my yearnings were born      01  02
Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth      03  04  05
A certain invitation led you here to me in the cynical world      06  07
Wait for me, you've gone much father, too far      08  09  10
Sing me of a story never ever told in the past      11  12  13  14
The pure white dove has an olive and an unfortunate incident in its mouth together      15  16  17  18
I do not still know the art which changes it into hope at the just slight distance to despair      19  20  21  22  23  24  25

銀河英雄伝説 黎明編

Boys will be out running and reaching for the light, dear... please find me early.      01  02  03  04
Now, you've taught me how to find the light even if darkness.      05  06  07

銀河英雄伝説 野望編

Surely I think the last to return to here      01  02
Therefore, I practice nothing but saying "Goodbye" to you.      03
And now she wakes to another grey day in the big blue world      04  05  06  07
You looked back; at that time, wanted to be a signpost      08  09  10  11
Though what finish being said to be love to a pain has it and should die      12  13
Will the day I extort it, and to be rewarded sometime when I fight and fought come?      14  15  16  17  18
Return, and return, and return, and be hatched to my cause      19  20  21  22

銀河英雄伝説 閑話編

Exists as her world is very simple.
A sad story doesn't sound in the room that light and pleasure dance.     01  02  03  04
Count a thousand drops of rain and the flower of the window box hangs down one's head.  01  02
Set me free from change of the physical.
Though they come easily, the words do not come on the day when a heart comes.  01  02  03  04
The trap of the sweet, bitter smelt-whiting of the pink grapefruit
I am in love with you ≒ I love you
Schneewittchen  〜 銀英伝的白雪姫 〜  01   02 

The Union side

I knew that I cannot already do anything even if I cried even if I cried.     01  02  03  04


Mine thing - 頂き物 -

 Title   From 
 ≫  整頓魔  由紀さんより 
 ≫  シンデレラと秘密の逢瀬  すぎやま由布子さんより 
 ≫  胸の中の黒い羽根、君の背中には白い羽根  すぎやま由布子さんより 
 ≫  スイーツトライアングル・バミューダ  すぎやま由布子さんより 
 ≫  正しい愛からの脱出法  すぎやま由布子さんより 
 ≫  続・正しい愛からの脱出法  すぎやま由布子さんより 
 ≫  四周年記念塗り絵   蓮様より 
 ≫  四周年記念塗り絵   すぎやま由布子さんより 

An offering - 捧げ物 -

 Title   For 
 ≫  A handing down person of right love     01  02  03  04  すぎやま由布子さんへ 

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